Van Nuys Airport Film Policy
In accordance with the City Of Los Angeles’ “Film Friendly” policy, Van Nuys Airport provides unparalleled access for filming and related production activities. Due to the unique nature of the airport environment LAWA has established specific policies and procedures to accommodate filming activities while ensuring the safety of aircraft operations. In order for the film-permitting process to proceed as smoothly as possible these policies and procedures must be adhered to.
Commercial/Non-Commercial Filming/Photography Applicability
The Film Policy applies to any person or entity that is a master tenant, approved subtenant, or production company requesting to conduct filming or photography on leasehold at VNY or the Van Nuys Flyaway Bus Terminal facility.
VNY Film Desk
The VNY Film Desk staffed by the Airport Operations Division provides assistance to tenants and production companies with completion of the Film Permit application process.
Film Permits Application Procedure
Permits shall be obtained by airport tenants for all film/photography/video production work being conducted on Airport property.
All entities shall contact the VNY Film Desk Administrator at 818-442-6544 to discuss the feasibility of proposed filming activities at VNY.
All entities shall submit the Film Permit application along with a Letter of Intent and appropriate insurance documentation to Film LA. Details can be found by visiting the Film LA webpage at
a. The Production Company shall submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) on Production Company letterhead to the Film LA Coordinator stating the:
i. Number of cast and crew/personnel, clients/invitees.
ii. Production dates (specify prep, strike and filming).
iii. Arrival and departure hours.
iv. Number and type of production vehicles.
v. Items of equipment to be used, e.g. cranes, scissor lifts, etc.
vi. Lighting requests.
vii. Identification and use of large, disruptive, and/or hazardous props, e.g. weapons, picture vehicles, etc.
vii. Aircraft (specify make, model, FAA registration number, and use).
viii. Special effects requests, e.g. rain/smoke, explosives, etc.
ix. Identification and use of animals.
x. Alteration requests, e.g. painting/sign removal, etc.
xi. Stunt requests.
b. The Production Company shall provide evidence of insurance, which is satisfactory to the LAWA Risk Management Division prior to entering upon Airport property for film/photography/video/production/pre-production purposes. Insurance requirements are determined by the LAWA Risk Management Division and include where specified: Comprehensive General Liability, Excess/Umbrella Liability, Comprehensive Automobile Liability, Workers Compensation and Aviation/Aircraft Liability.
c. The Production Company shall be charged for the use of airport personnel, airport vehicles, production vehicle parking on unleased Airport property, and/or for any Airport facility or location usage. An additional fifteen percent (15%) administration fee will be added to any charge for any of the aforementioned.
d. The estimate of charges shall be provided by the Film LA Coordinator to the Production Company prior to the production start date.
e. The determination as to the necessity of the use of personnel of LAWA shall rest with the VNY Film Desk Administrator whose decision shall be final and conclusive.
f. Cancellations or changes in production starting times which are made within twenty four (24) hours of the scheduled production date will cause the Production Company to be charged for Airport personnel assigned for the day of production in question.
Rules for Filming/Photography/Video activity
a. Production activities shall not disrupt ongoing airport operations.
b. The Production Company is responsible for all Production Persons in attendance at the Airport filming location. The term Production Persons shall be defined as including, but not limited to the following: executive producer, producer, director, assistant director, cast, crew, agents, contractors, subcontractors, clients and invitees of the Production.
c. Production Persons must strictly confine themselves to the designated area which has been permitted/approved for production related activities.
d. Each production person shall provide photo identification and submit to personal search if asked to do so by Airport Police acting within applicable federal, state, and/or municipal statutes, codes, ordinances, and/or guidelines.
e. All production vehicles, including picture vehicles and private vehicles shall be subject to search.
f. The Production Company shall provide and display disclaimer placards when directed to do so by the Film Desk Administrator.
g. Any aircraft involved production activity must remain in a static configuration with engines shut down and all propellers and rotor blades in a secured position.
h. Production activity involving special effects, stunts, props, property use and facility involving cast or other Production Persons, shall be kept away from public view at the discretion of the Film Desk Administrator.
i. No weapons/ammunition of any kind, either functional or non-functional, may be brought to Airport property without the permission of the Film Desk Administrator. Handling, usage and storage shall be determined by the Film Desk Administrator.
j. All special effects, stunts, lighting, props (including vehicles, aircraft and animals) and property use, shall be assessed on an individual basis. Permission for usage/employment shall be granted at the discretion of the Film Desk Administrator, or his/her designee. The time, place and manner of usage/handling shall be reasonably determined by the Film Desk Administrator.
k. No animals, other than professionally trained animals, which shall be under the supervision, handling, and care of a professional trainer/handler at all times, shall be brought onto Airport property without prior approval of the Film Desk Administrator.
l. All Fire Safety rules and regulations shall be adhered to by the Production Company.
m. Smoking is prohibited in all restricted areas. Restricted areas include the AOA and buildings owned by LAWA.
n. All cable shall be flown, unless otherwise specified.
o. All production vehicles and equipment must remain within the leasehold boundary of the filming location at all times.
p. Any alteration, relocation or removal of Airport property, i.e., painting, carpeting, set dressing, shall be done only with the permission of and under the supervision and direction of the Film Desk Administrator.
q. All production locations shall be left in, or restored to the original condition by the Production Company via the means and manner determined by the Film Desk Administrator, unless otherwise specified.
r. The Production Company shall provide sufficient trash receptacles for filming location and remove any trash from Airport property. The Film Desk Administrator or his/her designee shall inspect and approve the clean-up effort upon completion.
s. Use of Airport equipment, electricity, water, and property (other than structures) is prohibited without prior permission from the Film Desk Administrator.
t. Production Company directional signs placed along route to and from production location(s) must be removed upon completion of production.
u. All Production Persons are required to be familiar with and conform to the rules contained herein. Additionally, Production Persons shall comply with the Airport security requirements in effect at the time of production.