Administrative Requirements
LAWA bidders/proposers and contractors are subject to several administrative requirements. Some of the requirements will require forms to be completed and submitted, while others will be incorporated as contract provisions. However, it is important for bidders/proposers to be aware of all administrative requirements so as to assess any business or financial impact on their competitive submittal. Please check your Request for Bid or Request for Proposal for complete details on all forms required.
Forms and explanatory documents for each of the following administrative requirements are identified below. The administrative requirements may reference the Los Angeles City Charter (LACC), Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC), and Los Angeles Administrative Code (LAAC), which are the source authority for the requirements.
Requirements that are incorporated as contract provisions and do not require forms to be submitted:
- Affirmative Action
- Assignment of Anti-Trust Claims
- Child Support Obligations
- Labor Peace Agreement (applies to Concession projects only)
Requirements that are project specific. If required, the RFP or RFB will state so:
- Bid/Proposal Bond
- Contractor Responsibility Program
- Equal Benefits Ordinance
- Living Wage and Service Worker Retention Ordinances
- Municipal Lobbying Ordinance
- Bidder Contribution CEC 55
- Airport Concessions Disadvantaged Business Enterprises Program (ACDBE)
- Disadvantaged Business Enterprises Program (DBE)
- Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Program (DVBE)
- Local Business Enterprise (LBE) / Local Small Business Enterprise (LSBE) Program
- Local Business Preference Program (LBPP)
- Minority, Women and Other Business Enterprise Program (MBE/WBE)
- Small Business Enterprise Program (SBE)
- Small and Local Business (SLB)
- Labor Peace Agreement (applies to Concession projects only)
- Iran Contracting Act of 2010 Compliance Affidavit
Requirements that are project specific and applicable to selected bidders/proposers only. If required, the RFP or RFB will state so:
For further information or assistance regarding all administrative requirements, please contact: Los Angeles World Airports, Procurement Services Division (former Contract Services Division), P.O. Box 92216, Los Angeles, CA 90009-2216; phone: (424) 646-5380, fax: (424) 646-9262, e-mail:
As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, upon request, will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services and activities.