Office of Ethics & Ombudsman
About the Office of Ethics
Ethics Line: (424) 646-6600
Ethics Email:
The Ethics Office works to cultivate an ethical culture at Los Angeles World Airports that upholds the highest standards of ethical conduct through honesty, integrity, and citizenship in accordance with all applicable rules of law, policies, and procedures.
The Board of Airport Commissioners and Los Angeles World Airports are committed to the highest standards of ethical business conduct and aim to treat in an ethical manner those to whom we have obligations, including the City of Los Angeles, employees, tenants, customers, suppliers and neighbors. LAWA shall conduct its business not only in accordance with all applicable rules of law, regulations, policies, procedures and guidelines, but with the highest of ethical values.
In October 2005, the Board unanimously approved the establishment of the Office of Ethics to further an executive directive issued by Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. This directive requires that, as public servants, City employees commit to a standard of conduct that maintains and enhances the public's trust in government.
The Office of Ethics reports to the LAWA Chief Executive Officer and serves as a third-party, independent resource for the agency. Key functions of the Ethics Office include:
Coordination and Compliance with City Ethics Commission
- Review LAWA’s Conflict of Interest Code biennially and ensure full compliance of department personnel with requirements to file financial disclosure statements, statements of City-related business, and any other similar public filing required by law.
Referral and Resource for Ethics Inquiries and Hotline
- Provide employees and LAWA stakeholders with a venue to
ask any questions of an ethical nature that cannot be readily addressed within their work group or through
their chain-of-command.
- Create an atmosphere where employees can report confidentially and/or anonymously any real or perceived misconduct without fear of retaliation.
Ethics and Compliance Training
- Design, manage, and implement all training in ethics and compliance issues and ethical decision-making throughout the organization.
Enforcement of Ethics Violations
- Investigate ethical complaints or violations and enforce corrective measures where needed (recommended action may consist of disciplinary methods, recommendations, or counseling).
Organizational Ethics Implementation
- Implement ethical components reflecting LAWA’s Code of Ethics in other areas such as employee recruitment and selection, annual evaluations, and operational policies and procedures.
Establishing LAWA’s Values:
In March 2006, the Board of Airport Commissioners unanimously adopted a set of ethical values to help set the standard and expectations for all LAWA employees and commissioners. Below are the ethical values and their definitions.
HONESTY - We support a culture that nurtures truth, sincerity, and openness.
INTEGRITY – We uphold our personal conviction to the truth and we fulfill our obligations.
RESPECT & COLLABORATION - We promote human worth and the dignity of all, and foster partnerships of inclusion and cooperation.
RESPONSIBILITY - We strive for excellence in performing our duties and cultivate a climate of shared accountability.
PUBLIC TRUST - As one of our most significant responsibilities, we uphold the principles of open government including transparency in our decision-making, public disclosure and public access.
CITIZENSHIP – We understand we are part of a larger community from which we benefit and, in turn, are obliged to promote and enhance this necessary collaboration.
About the Ombudsman Office
Ombuds Line: (424) 646-7621
Ombuds Email:
The LAWA Ombuds Office is a resource that provides confidential, informal, neutral, and independent assistance to all City employees and managers of Los Angeles World Airports in the resolution of conflict or other work and non-work related issues.
The LAWA Ombuds Office was established under the Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics of the International Ombudsman Association, and adheres to the following principles:
Independence: The Ombudsman is independent in structure, function, and appearance to the highest degree possible within the organization.
Neutrality & Impartiality: The Ombudsman, as a designated neutral, remains unaligned and impartial.
Confidentiality: The Ombudsman holds all communications with those seeking assistance in strict confidence, and does not disclose confidential communications unless given permission to do so.
Informality: The Ombudsman is an informal resource who does not participate in any formal adjudicative or administrative procedure related to concerns brought to his/her attention.
Ombuds Office Services:
- Receive inquiries on workplace and other concerns impacting an employee’s ability to perform their job duties
- Provide dispute resolution and mediation services when requested; develop options for employees to resolve conflicts
- Make referrals to appropriate LAWA and non-LAWA resources
- All services are confidential, neutral, independent, and informal
Please note that the Ombuds Office is not an office of formal notice to Los Angeles World Airports
Contact Information:
LAWA Office of Ethics and Ombudsman: |
6053 W. Century Blvd.
6th Floor, Suite 602
Ethics Line: (424)
646-6600 Email: Ombuds Line: (424) 646-7621 You may also contact the City Ethics Commission directly for ethics concerns at their Whistle Blower Hotline at (800) 824-4825. |
Employees, tenants, passengers, contractors, and neighbors are encouraged to contact the ethics office whenever they have a question or concern of an ethical nature. Phone calls or emails to the office may be done confidentially or anonymously. |
Related Links:
LAWA Adoption of Ethical Values
Los Angeles City Controller's Fraud, Waste, & Abuse Hotline
Los Angeles City Ethics Commission
- Governmental Ethics Ordinance (Los Angeles Municipal Code Sections 49.5.1 et seq.)
- Ethics Handbook for City Officials
- Gifts Brochure
- Gift Acceptance Guide for City Officials
- Gift Giving Guide
- Gift Journal
- Outside Employment Guide
- Political Activity Guidelines
- Revolving Door Information
State of California Fair Political Practices Commission