Atlantic Aviation FBO
Atlantic Aviation proposes to construct a hangar and office building on its leasehold located within the airport airside at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). The proposed project is located at 6411 West Imperial Highway, Los Angeles, CA 90045. The proposed hangar is 36,550 SF with an adjoining 4,900 SF one story office building and a 2,000 SF one story hangar support building.
On December 29, 2003, Mercury Air Group, Inc. (Mercury) executed a land lease with the City of Los Angeles to develop a Fixed Base Operation (FBO) at the project site. In 2007, Atlantic Aviation purchased Mercury Air Group, Inc’s LAX interest and is now doing business as Atlantic Aviation, Inc.
The proposed hangar and office building would enable Atlantic Aviation to provide a greater level of service to the users of its FBO, enabling them to store their aircraft inside a hangar rather than park them outside. Some of these users currently base their aircraft at other airports, requiring the aircraft to fly into LAX to pick up and drop off passengers before returning the aircraft to their home airport. Relocating these aircraft to LAX would reduce the number of aircraft operations (i.e. takeoffs and landings) from four per customer trip to two. Basing the aircraft in the proposed hangar would also allow FBO users to be more responsive to their customers and operate more cost effectively, by eliminating unnecessary flights to and from LAX from a distant home base.
Executive Director’s Report (EDR) - Executive Director’s Report (EDR)
PUBLIC REVIEW: Prior to issuing any grading, building or use of land permit on the a proposed Project, the Los Angeles City Council must grant an LAX Plan Compliance approval pursuant to the LAX Specific Plan. This approval will be based on recommendations from LAWA’s Executive Director and the Board of Airport Commissioners. The Executive Director’s recommendation will be included in a written report, which will include the results of LAWA’s consultation with the LAX Master Plan Stakeholder Liaison. This public review period provides an opportunity for stakeholders to provide comments and identify concerns that will be considered by the Executive Director in making this recommendation. Your comments to the LAX Stakeholder Liaison can be submitted via email to:, online at or to the following address:
Los Angeles World Airports
Stakeholder Liaison Office (SLO)
Attention: Brenda Martinez-Sidhom
One World Way, Suite 219
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Comments for the proposed project were accepted through
June 7, 2013 to the Stakeholder Liaison .
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
Notice of Intent - Notice of Intent
Initial Study - Initial Study
Final Negative Declaration - Final Negative Declaration