Administrative Requirements - Municipal Lobbying Ordinance

Municipal Lobbying Ordinance Applies to All LAWA Projects, however the Compliance Certification Forms Bidder CEC 50 is project specific, the RFB/RFP will specify if it is the form is required.


Based on the California Political Reform Act of 1974 and promoting the same goals, the Municipal Lobbying Ordinance was implemented by Ordinance No. 169916, effective 8/10/1994, as Los Angeles Municipal Code Chapter IV, article 8. The subsection 48.09.H. - Contract Bidder Certification of Compliance with Lobbying Laws - was added by the Ordinance 178064, effective 01/15/2007.

  • The City's Municipal Lobbying Ordinance (Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 48.01 et seq., as amended) requires certain individuals and entities to register with the City Ethics Commission and requires public disclosure of certain activities, including money received and spent in connection with their municipal lobbying activities.
  • lobbying activity includes the following and similar compensated conduct when that conduct is related to a direct communication to influence any municipal legislation:
  1. engaging in, either personally or through an agent, written or oral direct communication with a City official;
  2. drafting ordinances, resolutions or regulations;
  3. providing advice or recommending strategy to a client or others;
  4. research, investigation and information gathering;
  5. seeking to influence the position of a third party on municipal legislation or an issue related to municipal legislation by any means, including but not limited to engaging in community, public or press relations activities; and
  6. attending or monitoring City meetings, hearings or other events.
  • Bidder Certification CEC Form 50 applies to the following:
  1. All construction contracts, public leases, or licenses of any value and duration;
  2. Goods or service contracts - a value greater than $25,000 and a term of at least three months in duration.
  • The bidder/proposer acknowledges and agrees to comply with the disclosure requirements and prohibitions established in the Los Angeles Municipal Lobbying Ordinance if the bidder qualifies as a lobbying entity under the Ordinance
  • The exemptions contained in Los Angeles Administrative Code Section 10.40.4 shall not apply to this subsection.
MLO Documents:

Additional information regarding the MLO may be obtained at City Ethics Commission, 200 N. Spring Street, City Hall, 24th Floor, Los Angeles, California 90012; phone: (213) 978-1960, fax: (213) 978-1988, email:, web:

For further information regarding this and other administrative requirements, please contact: Los Angeles World Airports, Procurement Services Division (former Contract Services Division), P.O.Box 92216, Los Angeles, CA 90009-2216; phone: (424) 646-5380, fax: (424) 646-9262, e-mail:

For information on business opportunities at LAWA, access RAMP (Regional Alliance Marketplace for Procurement) and Bonfire. We look forward to doing business with you!