Airside Construction Office
The Construction Coordination Office plans, coordinates, and distributes information concerning construction projects that affect airport operations, including the airfield and terminals. Staff of this office participates in the operational oversight of construction projects from the initial planning meetings to completion of the projects. In addition, this office assists in planning and recommending alternatives to reduce construction impacts on aircraft operations.
The Airport Superintendent of Operations is involved in the planning, coordination and information distribution concerning construction projects that affect aircraft operations or are conducted in areas on or adjacent to movement areas. Operational oversight of construction projects is the responsibility of the LAX Airfield Operations Duty Personnel. The Construction Desk’s involvement with airfield construction projects begins with construction planning meetings, and continues throughout the duration of the project.
Contact Info:
(424) 646-5886
Los Angeles World Airports - LAX
Airside Construction Coordination Office
7333 World Way West, Room 311
Los Angeles, CA 90045
(Information is for planning purposes only. For the most up to date closure information please refer to the FAA NOTAM system)