Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (SMGCS) Plan
The procedures contained in this plan were developed by the SMGCS Working Group, which consisted of representatives from Los Angeles World Airport (LAWA) Airport Operations, LAWA Facilities Management Electrical Shop, Los Angeles Fire Department, Los Angeles Airport Police, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Western-Pacific Airports Regional Office, FAA Western-Pacific Flight Standards, FAA Airways Facilities Office, Los Angeles Airport Traffic Control Tower (LAX ATCT), appropriate scheduled airlines, Air Line Pilots Association, cargo/package operators, and other appropriate tenants and aircraft operators.
This document does not supersede established policies, procedures, rules, or guidelines for airports, aircraft or vehicle operators, or air traffic control. It does describe the airfield lighting, marking improvements, and operating procedures that have been designed to enhance the safety and efficiency of aircraft and vehicle movements.
These enhancements, procedures, and actions are in accordance with the guidance set forth in FAA Advisory Circular 120-57A, Surface Movement Guidance and Control System, current edition and FAA Order 8000.94. A SMGCS Plan is required for airports where scheduled air carriers conduct takeoffs or landings in visibility conditions of less than 1200 feet as measured by Runway Visual Range equipment.
This plan addresses current procedures to support low visibility takeoff, landing and taxiing operations at LAX. The work of the SMGCS Working Group will continue after the FAA approves the plan. The SMGCS Working Group will meet as necessary, but not less than once per year to assess low visibility operations, and to modify the plan with future enhancements as necessary.