Business Relationship Managers Introduction
Business Relationship Managers:
In an effort to provide optimal customer service, CDD assigns a Business Relationship Manager (BRM) to each LAWA Tenant.
- Act as a point of contact for LAWA business related issues and can assist tenants with concerns/issues related to tenancy at LAWA.
- Strive to ensure tenant requests are resolved satisfactorily and ensure that tenants comply with airport and lease/agreement rules and regulations.
- Are responsible developing and maintaining relationships with all LAX, ONT and VNY tenants.
- Negotiate occupancy agreements with aeronautical users and government tenants for space at Los Angeles World Airports’ facilities.
- Manage concessions agreements/relationships, and protect LAWA’s real property assets.
BRMs desired outcomes:
- Provide highest quality service
- Maximize visibility/accessibility
- Improve communication
- Increase accountability for LAWA and tenants
- Strengthen contract compliance
- Create cross-functional teams
BRMs code of conduct:
- Customer Service:
- Act ethically & professionally
- Respect and value clients
- Responsibility & Accountability
- Take ownership
- Respond punctually
- Communicate openly
- Commitment
- Follow through
- Seek Solutions