Aviation Activity Analysis

The LAX Aviation Activity Analysis Report is a requirement of the Los Angeles International Airport Specific Plan. This annual report identifies the current number of passengers, volume of air cargo and aircraft operations served at LAX, and the volume of aviation activity anticipated to be served by on-going Master Plan construction activities. LAWA also compiles aviation activity statistics for other airports in the Los Angeles region for monitoring and reporting purposes. Passengers, volume of air cargo and aircraft operations activity at all airports with scheduled passenger or cargo activity in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura Counties will be compiled in coordination with the Southern California Associations of Governments (SCAG). The analysis shall also include the proportion of aviation activity served at each airport in the region.

LAWA reports air traffic activity on a monthly basis throughout the year. Reports are posted each month on the LAWA web site. The report titled Volume of Air Traffic provides passenger, cargo and aircraft operations activity statistics for Los Angeles International Airport by Calendar Year and Month.

Aviation Activity Analysis Reports (by year)