Stakeholder Liaison Office
The LAX Stakeholder Liaison Office (SLO) was created as a component of the LAX Plan and LAX Specific Plan by the Los Angeles City Council to ensure public participation in implementation of the LAX Master Plan. The role of the SLO has since been expanded to include any LAX Modernization and Capital Projects.
The SLO provides support for stakeholders seeking information regarding modernization projects at LAX and addresses specific service issues requested by the stakeholders. The goal of the SLO is to establish a direct link for neighbors and stakeholders with the airport.
Public Participation
The Stakeholder Liaison Office is committed to finding meaningful communication links and partnerships with stakeholders. Activities for providing updates include:
- Providing briefing at Neighborhood Councils and other community organizations
- Operating a notification system to alerts registered users of any LAX notifications and/or environmental public notices. To register, click here.
- Coordinating special events that include mandated State and Federal Public meetings and hearings on projects going through the environmental process
Functions of the SLO
- Communication with Stakeholders on LAX Projects going through the Planning, environmental or LAX Plan Compliance phase
- Ensuring notice is provided to stakeholders as early as possible in advance of initiation of LAX projects so there is adequate time for review and comment
- Accepting “request(s) for review,” establishing appropriate stakeholders, providing information requested, collecting stakeholder comments and concerns, and communicating information to LAWA Executive Director or designee as early in the project development process as possible for LAWA consideration.
- Summarizing consultation with stakeholders for inclusion in the LAWA Executive Director’s written report for transmission to the Board of Airport Commissioners for its action on LAX Plan Compliance Requests.
We encourage you to stay involved and stay connected. After all it’s OurLAX!