Receiving Station “X” (RS-X)

Project Background:

The proposed project would construct a new electrical Receiving Station “X” (RS-X) and associated electrical infrastructure improvements in order to address persistent power reliability, redundancy, and capacity issues at LAX. The entirety of the proposed project would occur on existing Airport property at the southeast corner of Pershing Road and Westchester Parkway.

Aerial Map of RS X Facility

The proposed RS-X would provide redundant power to all major airport facilities, including FAA navigation systems, airfield lighting, and the Airport Traffic Control Tower.  


Elements of the proposed RS-X would include:

  • Installation of a new LADWP Power Receiving Station, generally composed of:
    • A concrete and masonry, single-story building with a footprint of approximately 4,800 square feet. The RS-X would also include outdoor electrical equipment, occupying approximately 22,800 and 63,400 square feet, to the west and east of the control room, respectively.
    • A control room, transmission feeders to the 230 kV LADWP transmission lines and electrical vaults along Pershing Drive, and distribution feeders from RS-X to LAX.
    • New utility connections to existing storm and wastewater drains, natural gas, communications, and other related utility services would be required to support the operations of the proposed RS-X.

Environmental Documents

National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA)

  • September 7, 2018 - Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) The comment period ended October 8, 2018
  • Draft EA Mailer


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