RSI Program
RSI Background
Residential units exposed to aircraft noise of 65 dB Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) or higher are considered by California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 21 to be incompatible with land uses and must be addressed/mitigated to achieve compatibility. Since the 1990s, Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) and its surrounding noise-impacted jurisdictions initiated Residential Sound Insulation (RSI) Programs in compliance with these California regulations. The City of Inglewood and Los Angeles County continue to implement and manage RSI Programs using FAA and LAWA funding as noted above and are expected to complete those Programs over the next few years.
LAWA implemented the RSI Program for dwellings within the City of Los Angeles in 1997 and sound insulated 7,327 units through the life of the Program, which was deemed completed and closed in 2014. In El Segundo, 1,851 units have been previously sound insulated. To address the untreated units in El Segundo and the City of Los Angeles, LAWA has taken steps to establish the current LAX RSI Program. Under this new Program, LAWA will provide an opportunity for eligible owners of noise-impacted dwelling units within the approved noise contour in the City of Los Angeles and the City of El Segundo to receive sound insulation upgrades. LAWA plans to mitigate these homes with sound insulation improvements over the next seven years.
Program Eligibility
All residential properties with an average interior noise level of 45 dB or higher located within the 2020 Noise Exposure Map 65 dB noise contour may be eligible to participate (map shown below). Participating in the RSI Program is voluntary, and every dwelling unit must meet the following RSI Program eligibility criteria:
- The dwelling (residential single family or multi-family) must be located within the FAA Approved Part 150 Noise Exposure Map (NEM) 65 dB noise contour (currently the 2020 NEM).
- The dwelling must have been built before October 1, 1998, as determined by information obtained from Los Angeles County or evidence provided by the Homeowner, and zoned residential or mixed-use.
- All Homeowners listed on the title report must be willing to sign RSI Program legal documents.
- Homes must have an average interior noise level (in habitable rooms) of 45 dB or higher (which will be confirmed via acoustical testing of program homes).
2020 Noise Exposure Map (NEM)
RSI Program boundaries have been established and approved for the distinct geographical areas surrounding LAX most impacted by aircraft noise. To see if your home is eligible for the RSI Program, click here and enter your address.
RSI Program 3-Step Process
- Application or Program Agreement
Eligible homeowners will be contacted by RSI Program staff and introduced to the RSI Program. Homeowners wishing to participate must sign and submit an application to formally apply for sound insulation.
Homeowners that choose to participate will have eligibility confirmed by Acoustical Testing of their home or using the testing results of similar properties. If a home is determined to be eligible, the Participation Agreement must be signed by the Homeowner(s) before proceeding with the design and construction of the sound insulation components.
- Design
During the Design phase of the RSI Program the existing conditions of each dwelling are evaluated to develop a scope of work. Hazardous materials testing is also conducted as part of the Design Phase. Following homeowner and LAWA approval of the scope of work for each dwelling, pre-qualified prime contractors are selected by LAWA to perform the work.
- Construction
The Construction phase consists of ordering of materials and installation of products in accordance with the plans and specifications developed by the Design Team. Construction oversight is provided on a daily basis and inspections of the completed work are performed at pre-determined milestones.
Additionally, all Residential Sound Insulation participants are provided with workmanship and product warranty information. Following construction close-out, RSI staff provides homeowners with follow-up warranty assistance.
Frequently Asked Questions
No - there is no financial cost to the homeowner for program treatments, unless the homeowner chooses to upgrade materials to items not covered by the RSI Program. In some cases, homeowner “pre-work” is required which is at the homeowner’s expense (e.g., adding a carbon monoxide detector if one is missing).
No. Work completed by homeowners prior to participation in the program is NOT eligible for reimbursement.
No, the RSI Program will not result in the County Assessor's Office increasing the value of a home.
The program’s goal is to reduce the interior noise level in participating homes by at least five (5) dB, which is a substantial, noticeable difference.
The entire process from application to completion of sound insulation treatments will take one to two years. The actual construction for an average residential home typically lasts 10 business days. The program will be doing groups of 100 homes at a time, starting with homes in the highest noise areas. All homeowners are encouraged to sign up now and we will work with them on a construction schedule once eligibility requirements have been met.
No, it is not necessary to attend any meetings in order to participate in the program. However, meetings will be held over the life of the program to provide information to homeowners, answer questions, and address concerns.
A program boundary has been created based on the FAA-approved Noise Exposure Contour Map. Homes within the program boundary having an average interior noise level of 45 dB or higher may participate in the program. To see if your home is within the program Boundary, click here and enter your address.
Program prioritization is as follows:
- Homes within the greatest noise-impacted areas are treated before those in lower noise areas. For example, if you are in 70 dB contour you are more impacted/receive higher preference than those in 65 dB. To view the dB contour map, click here.
- For homes with equal noise impact, the date of program application determines who is treated first. Therefore, it is advantageous for homeowners to apply earlier for the program.
Yes, multi-family and condo buildings are eligible if they are in the program boundary and meet eligibility requirements. Please note: if you own a property within a condominium building, participation may be required from all owners in the building/complex.
Yes, all tenant occupied properties are treated in the same manner as owner occupied properties.
Even if a homeowner declined to participate previously, if the home is within the program boundary and has an interior noise level of 45 dB or greater, it is still eligible.
No, the new owner would inherit your waiting list position, should they choose to participate in the program. The new owner would need to complete a participant application.
Whenever possible, windows and doors are replaced with the same style that is installed in your home at the time of the assessment appointment. On occasion, a style may need to be changed to comply with building code requirements and product availability. You will make your color selections with the Contractor at the measurement appointment. All colors must be finalized at the measurement appointment so the contractor can order your products.
No, all products installed will come with manufacturer-direct high-quality hardware. Due to the uniqueness of the acoustical products installed, privately purchased hardware may not fit and the replacement of hardware may void the manufacturer warranty.
That depends on the size and complexity of the home. On average, residential sound insulation construction typically takes about 10 business days.
It is preferable that the homeowner or an acting legal agent be present during construction. If neither can be present, construction may continue, but the homeowner or a designee must be available if a product or installation issue arises.
Program construction is required to meet all building codes and standards. During construction, the RSI Program’s Construction Inspector may visit your home to verify all work is in accordance with the plans and specifications. After construction is complete, a City Building Inspector may visit your property to verify the work completed complies with applicable building codes. They will then sign off on the open building permit for your home. If the City’s Inspector discovers code violations or installation issues with any part or portion of your scope of work, they will notify the RSI Contractor, who will be required to resolve the issue for the permit to be closed.
Any windows and doors that are removed will be replaced, operational and lockable within the same day. Should asbestos or lead paint be found in your home, the Contractor will be required to take the proper precautions and follow applicable local, state, and federal procedures. The contractors are fully insured to cover property damage, should it occur due to construction. However, the homeowner is responsible for securing valuables during construction.
Each product installed will be covered by a manufacturer's warranty. The warranty period will vary with each manufacturer. Following the completion of your home, you will be provided with a warranty package containing all warranty information for all products installed in your home. Upon completion of construction, the homeowner is responsible for the maintenance of all LAX RSI Program materials and products installed in their home.
Yes, RSI Program Contractors are required to provide a one-year material and labor warranty from the date of final completion. Homeowners will be responsible for contacting the Contractor directly for warranty calls. Included in your warranty package will be the Contractor’s warranty and contact information. Following the one-year warranty period, all warranty calls must be directed to the product manufacturer.
Contact Us
Homeowner Liaison: Evelin Barajas
LAX RSI Showroom
9100 Sepulveda Boulevard
Suite 109
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Monday – Thursday 8am to 5pm
Fridays and Saturdays by appointment
To schedule an appointment call (424)646-7444 or email