Stakeholder Liaison
The LAX Master Plan Stakeholder Liaison Office (LAX MP SLO) was created as a component of the LAX Plan and LAX Specific Plan by the Los Angeles City Council to ensure public participation in implementation of the LAX Master Plan. The LAX MP SLO provides stakeholders with direct access to applicable information on the LAX Master Plan implementation process and serves as a two-way conduit for communication on issues related to the LAX Master Plan. It is not only for people who live in the City of Los Angeles but for all stakeholders.
The Part 161 Study Team coordinated with the Stakeholder Liaison Office, making a presentation to the general public on the Part 161 study on February 2, 2006, when the project was first initiated. The Part 161 Study Team has also coordinated its activities with the on-going Specific Plan Amendment Study to assure consistency of fleet forecasts and related technical analyses.