LAX Part 150 Noise Exposure Map Update

Final NEM Update

The Final LAX Part 150 Noise Exposure Map Update was submitted to the FAA on Wednesday, September 23, 2015. LAWA received formal acceptance of the NEM from the FAA on February 18, 2016. Public notice of the formal acceptance was published in the Los Angeles Times newspaper on March 4, 5, and 6, 2016 pursuant to Section 107(a) & (b) [Title 49, United States Code , Section 47506] of the Airport Safety and Noise Abatement Act of 1979.


What is a FAR Part 150 Study?

Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Part 150, Airport Noise Compatibility Planning, was issued by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as a final rule in January 1985. FAR Part 150 sets forth the methodology and procedures to be followed when preparing aircraft noise exposure maps and developing airport /airport environs land use compatibility programs.

FAR Part 150 studies typically consist of two primary components: (1) the Noise Exposure Map (NEM) report, which contains detailed information regarding existing and 5-year future airport/aircraft noise exposure patterns, and (2) the Noise Compatibility Program (NCP), which includes descriptions and an evaluation of noise abatement and noise mitigation options/programs applicable to an airport.

Has LAWA prepared a FAR Part 150 Study for Los Angeles International Airport (LAX)?

Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) has a long history of implementing noise abatement and mitigation measures at LAX dating back to the late 1950s. In 1981, the Los Angeles City Department of Airports in conjunction with the Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning and the cities of El Segundo, Hawthorne, and Inglewood undertook an Airport Noise and Land Use Compatibility (ANCLUC) Study to quantify LAX's aircraft noise exposure and to identify measures to mitigate aircraft noise impacts on the noise sensitive land uses surrounding LAX. The ANCLUC study process was the predecessor to the FAR Part 150 process. The LAX ANCLUC process was completed in June 1984. The LAX Noise Exposure Map (NEM) included in the ANCLUC and submitted under FAR Part 150 was accepted by FAA on October 16, 1984. On April 13, 1985, the FAA issued a record of approval approving 28 of the recommended measures in the LAX NCP.

Why is LAWA updating the FAR Part 150 NEMs for LAX?

LAWA's goals for this project is to obtain the FAA's acceptance of the new 2015 and 2020 NEMs to ensure that ongoing noise mitigation programs managed by the Cities of Inglewood and El Segundo, and the County of Los Angeles can continue to receive FAA grant funding.

What will LAWA produce during the LAX FAR Part 150 NEM Update?

The LAX FAR Part 150 NEM Update must be prepared in accordance with guidance provided in the FAR Part 150 regulations and the FAR Part 150 NEM Checklist developed by the FAA. As part of the LAX FAR Part 150 NEM Update LAWA and its consultants will quantify existing (2014/2015) and future (2020) aircraft noise exposure levels in the vicinity of LAX. LAWA will also develop supporting documentation explaining the process used to calculate existing and future noise levels. The LAX NEM Report update will provide LAWA and the FAA with a new set of NEMs which can be used to identify future noise mitigation needs. During the LAX NEM Report Update LAWA will not develop or recommend noise abatement or noise mitigation measures, determine the boundaries for future sound insulation programs at LAX, or identify properties that are eligible for sound insulation.

Public Outreach

An integral part of the LAX Part 150 NEM Update project included a public outreach process that provided consultations with the public, airport stakeholders, the state, local governments, the airlines and other aircraft operators to afford them the opportunity to submit their views, information, and comments during the project. LAWA scheduled two public workshops where community members learned about the project and provided comments. The first workshop was held at the beginning of the project to introduce the project's objective and process, and a second workshop was held towards the end to share the results of the NEM update and solicit comments before final submittal to the FAA.

First Public Workshop

LAWA hosted the first round of public workshops for the LAX Part 150 Noise Exposure Map Update on May 12, 2014 at the Jessie Owens Community Regional Park Gymnasium and on May 13, 2014 at the Flight Path Learning Center & Museum. The workshops allowed interested parties to become familiar with the NEM Update through a series of informative poster boards and to ask airport officials and consultants on hand questions regarding the NEM Update process. The workshops also allowed interested parties to submit formal comments which are included and addressed in the final document. Below are links to the workshop poster boards and handout materials.


Second Public Workshop

LAWA hosted the second round of public workshops on Monday, May 11, 2015 at Flight Path Learning Center & Museum and on Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at the Jessie Owens Community Regional Park Gymnasium. LAWA presented the key findings of the Draft NEM Update, that was released on May 11, 2015 for public review. The document was posted to this website and hard copies were made available at the Loyola Village Branch Library, the El Segundo Public Library, the Inglewood Main Library, the Lennox Library, and the Mark Twain Library in Downtown Los Angeles. Interested parties were again encouraged to submit written questions or concerns to LAWA at the workshops, by email, or by mail. Following FAA guidelines, the public was given 30 days to review and submit comments to LAWA until June 9, 2015. Below are links to the information provided at the workshop.

Public Comments

Following the second public workshop, comments from the public were accepted during the 30-day review period, which ended June 9, 2015. All comments received during the public comment period are included in the Final NEM documents.