Van Nuys Airport

Airport Police at Van Nuys Airport (VNY) under the direction of Commanding Officer Tyrone Stallings, provides security for airport businesses and their employees and customers, as well as private and corporate aircraft that arrive and depart the general aviation airport on a daily basis.  Airport Police officers ensure the integrity of the Airfield Operations Area (AOA).  Officers provide inner and outer perimeter patrols, customer service to travelers of the LAX FlyAway® bus riders and 24/7 police patrols of Van Nuys Airport.  In addition to the airport itself, officers also patrol several off-airport properties and businesses located on land owned by Los Angeles World Airports including a hotel, a restaurant, a golf course and two business parks. 

Van Nuys Airport is one of the world’s busiest general aviation airports, dedicated to non-commercial air travel, averaging close to 400,000 takeoffs and landings annually.  More than 100 businesses are located on the 730-acre airport, including five major fixed-base operators.


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The FlyAway®, a service providing nonstop bus transportation between Van Nuys and Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), is also part of the Airport Police’s patrol area.  The service transports more than 1,000,000 passengers annually and is used extensively by airline and airport employees for their daily commute.  VNY's Airport Police Traffic and Security officers manage the traffic and passengers who frequent the FlyAway®  bus terminal.


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