Mission and Core Values
The mission of the Los Angeles World Airports Police is to ensure the safe
and secure operations of our airports.
Service Before Self
Service is the foundation of the Los Angeles Airport Police Division’s value system. We
seek to always be aware of those who need our assistance, our cooperation, and/or
our support. We seek to always meet or exceed their expectations for service before
we consider our personal or organizational needs.
Reverence For the Law
We are committed to the consistent application of the law for the common good.
Fairness, impartiality, flexibility, and openness will be guiding principles as we apply
the law.
Respect for People
We are in the business of serving people. We recognize the dignity of all people, and
will treat them accordingly. We will respond with sincerity to the needs of those who
are concerned for their safety, require important information, or are temporarily
unable to provide for themselves.
Commitment to Professionalism
We strive to achieve the highest standards of performance in all aspects of our work.
We have a continuing commitment to operational excellence and strive to create an
environment that instills an attitude and behavior that focuses on people in a
constructive and positive way. We take pride in the nobility of our profession and
derive personal and professional satisfaction from the effective performance of our
Integrity in All We Say and Do
We commit ourselves to the highest standards of trust, responsibility and discipline
while promoting justice in a fair and impartial manner. We will demonstrate, through
our actions, an uncompromising allegiance to the Police Officer’s Code of Ethics. Each
Los Angeles Airport Police Division employee will embrace the ideals of honor, courage,
equality, fairness, and dignity.
We Value our Personnel
We understand that our people are our most critical asset. We are committed to
attracting the best, the brightest, and the most committed while providing a work
environment that is empowering, supportive, collaborative, transparent, and
encouraging. We are committed to providing our personnel all of the tools they need to
excel and grow in this environment.