RAD Program
The goal of the LAX Restricted Area Driver (RAD) Training Program is to increase safety on the AOA through enhanced training and situational awareness of stakeholders who drive on the AOA.
The LAX Restricted Area Driver Trainer Program provides basic guidelines and requirements for LAX companies to use when training employees with Restricted Area Driver (RAD) privileges on proper operating procedures when driving vehicles and equipment on the Air Operations Area (AOA). The LAX RAD Trainer Program uses a combination of Computer Based Training (CBT), classroom training, and other supporting training materials to provide driver trainers with a comprehensive body of knowledge on safe driving practices unique to the LAX AOA.
Program Requirements
Each company and division must designate driver trainers to provide training for all new and recurrent staff with Restricted Area Driver privileges. Each division or company must designate at least one approved driver trainer for up to 25 Restricted Area Drivers. While each division or company can designate as many driver trainers as necessary, it is highly recommended that at least one alternate driver trainer is designated to ensure continuity of training. All driver trainers must attend the LAWA RAD Trainer classroom training and meet the minimum requirements for approved driver trainers. Only approved driver trainers are authorized to provide the required driver training for all new and recurrent Restricted Area Drivers.
Click here to view additional program requirements.
Training and Class Schedule
- RAD Training Classes are offered Mondays & Wednesdays from 8:00am - 11:00am.
- Authorized Signer: Please email names, SIDA badge #s, email addresses, and RAD Training Logs to RADProgram@lawa.org.
- RAD Drivers: Computer Based Training (course #017)
Requires Forms
- RAD Trainer Program Requirements
- Air Operations Area (AOA) Driver Trainer Checklist
- Air Operations Area (AOA) Driver’s Training Log
Supplemental Training Materials and Guides
- LAX Restricted Area Driver Test Study Guide: English Language
- LAX Restricted Area Driver Test Study Guide: Spanish Language
- LAX AOA Vehicle Service Road Map
- LAX Rules and Regulations – Section 11 – Motor Vehicle Operations
- LAX SAFE Program Guide
- Aviation Alphabet
- Situational Awareness - Understanding Driver Distraction
- Situational Awareness - Multitasking is a myth
Contact Information
LAX Airport Operations
Office of Safety and Regulatory Compliance
Restricted Area Driver Trainer Program
Office: (424) 646-6940
Email: RADProgram@lawa.org