Foreign Object Debris (FOD) Management Program

The presence of Foreign Object Debris (FOD) on the Air Operations Area (AOA) poses a significant threat to the safety of air travel. FOD has the potential to damage aircraft, which can lead to increased maintenance and operating costs, and can even result in aircraft destruction, and catastrophic loss of life.

An analysis by Boeing (cited by the FAA) found that FOD Damage is estimated to cost the aviation industry four billion USD annually (maintenance costs and aircraft out of service time). FOD is everyone’s responsibility and reduction of FOD at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) benefits the entire airport community by decreasing costly delays, reducing equipment damage and improving the guest experience.

The objective of this program is to provide the policies and practices necessary to ensure that LAX and all of its tenants support and adopt the LAX Foreign Object Debris (FOD) Management Program.
The program described herein is composed of four main areas: prevention, detection, removal, and evaluation. The guidance in this program is applicable to airport operations, air carrier employees, general aviation operators, ground handlers, maintenance technicians and all other airport tenants.